It is a simple app is perfect for those looking for a household account book of easy setting & input!
費目別、口座別、事業と家計を別々に管理等、無制限に帳簿が増やせます!ややこしい設定は全くありません!帳簿とメイン費目、サブ費目を登録するだけ!予算設定で毎月の予算を入力、収支の費目追加もすごくシンプルになっています!費目は、メインとサブに分かれていて、追加するときに表示順位とグラフ用色の設定が一度に出来ますよ!<使い方>こちらをご覧ください。※有償版は広告が表示されません。Keywords: 家計簿, カレンダー, お買い物, クレジット※ネットワーク通信は広告の取得、最新の祝祭日の取得に使用してます。Expense item by, another account, managed separately such as the business and household, you can increase the unlimited book!There is no complicated set! Book and the main expense item, just to register a sub-item of expenditure!Enter the monthly budget in budget setting, expense items additional balance of payments also has become very simple!Expense item, it is divided into a main and sub, the display order and set of colors for the graph when you add can be at once! see here.※ paid version does not display ads.Keywords: household account book, calendar, shopping, credit※ acquisition network communication of advertising, it is used to get the latest holiday.不要なライブラリを削除しました。